Rheah Francis Rheah Francis

Sustainability & Beauty

Beauty Industry Sustainability

I’ve been thinking, especially with the run up to Christmas, and the current energy crisis. What am I doing as an individual to play my part, not only in my home, but as a business owner too!

The pending question to myself is “Is it even worth it!?” and I have decided IT IS!!! If nothing else but to break the generational ignorance of Sustainability, what it means and how we can achieve it. We definitely CAN cause and inspire change, even if it just starts where we are, whether that be at work, outside or in our own homes.

Genesis Professional Tools was birthed out of wanting to inspire and create change within the beauty industry, but it started way before that, when I saw so much wasted packaging being made and discarded in and outside of the beauty industry, it is important that I am passionate about the things that I can potentially change and inspire others to do the same, We have a “Sustainability Program” which is designed to encourage beauty professionals to dispose of their current tools in a sustainable way, all whilst saving money. The tools we sell have been crafted with sustainability in mind, not only creating multi-functional designs (to save money), but to create and dispose of them in a sustainable way too. We aim to give our customers exactly what they want and need all whilst doing our best to contribute towards protecting the planet, keeping an eye on our own personal and business Carbon footprint too. We will diligently look into where we can locally and nationally give back to the community, local business’ and others, through charitable donations and local support.

But I’m not entirely sure the Beauty Industry as a whole is wanting or preparing for this change, is it because the beauty industry is going at such a fast pace now? I believe it is possibly in line with the fashion industry, new trend alerts and not one of those trends includes sustainability. Don’t misunderstand my observations, I am ecstatic that we are becoming such a necessity in peoples essential beauty regimens, however we as a industry should lead the charge in this area, where many others have failed, let’s start as we mean to go on, not having to side step certain areas of our business because we didn’t think FORWARD. Look at the energy crisis now, We have known for YEARS that we would need to switch from oil to a more “renewable” and sustainable energy types. Yet here we are 2022 scrambling around trying to figure out how we can all acquire electric cars and solar panels for our homes before its too late, all whilst the cost of living is rising at an ASTRONOMICAL rate.

I say all of that to say this…. let us as Beauty professionals and business owners LEAD THE WAY in sustainability, before WE have to panic and stress over new innovations coming along. We are born creatives, that is our gift, we CREATE. So why can't we be creative in this sector of our business, innovation starts with an idea/someone why can’t that be US!!!!

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